Elections in one’s country of origin - Belgium
Belgians who reside in the European Union may take part in the election of the Federal Parliament.
Belgians who reside in the European Union may also choose to vote in the European Parliament elections for candidates on a list in their Member State of residence or on a Belgian list.
For the Federal Parliament election and the European Parliament election, if they choose to vote for candidates on a Belgian list, they must meet several conditions. They must:
- be Belgian;
- be registered in the consular population registers;
- be 18 years of age or older (for the Federal Parliament) and 16 years of age or older (for the European Parliament)
- not have been deprived of their right to vote;
- enrol via the Belgian consular post with which they are registered.
All Belgian nationals will receive a personalised registration form from the career consular post once they are entered in the consular population registers.
Once registered, Belgians are under an obligation to vote. By the same token, they may not vote in European Parliament elections in their Member State of residence.
Belgians residing abroad can vote:
- in person in Belgium;
- by proxy in Belgium;
- in person at the consular post;
- by proxy at the consular post;
- by post (postal vote).
Support services
Foreign citizens residing in Belgium: SPF Intérieur (Federal Public Service for the Interior) – Elections Department
Belgian citizens residing abroad: SPF Affaires étrangères (Federal Public Service for Foreign Affairs) – Elections Department